Ticket information for our AGM/CPD event in Dublin, Ireland
The Psychologists Protection Society Trust Board of Trustees is pleased to announce our 2023 AGM & CPD event will be held on Friday 21st April 2023. The event venue is the Ashling Hotel, 10 – 13 Parkgate St, Stoneybatter, Dublin 8, D08 P38N, Ireland.
PPS Members are invited to attend the AGM and CPD event in person or online. Non-PPS Members can also join in the CPD events online.
Psychologists Protection Society Trust – 2023 Election Announcement
On Friday 13th January 2023 PPS announced the opening of nominations for election to the Psychologists Protection Society Trust, Board of Trustees. As per the Articles of Association, there were five Trustee positions available. The closing date for nominations was Wednesday 1st March 2023.
The PPS secretary received two completed nomination forms that met the required eligibility requirements. As a result of an in-sufficient number of candidates standing to initiate an election, no election will be held.
Free online CPD Event – Was it something I said? with Barry McInnes
Was it something I said? (Using measures to monitor progress and process, and ensure the client is getting what they came for). Success in therapy can be elusive, and failure all too evident. When therapy isn’t working for clients, sometimes they’ll offer excuses to let us down gently. Sometimes, they’ll just not attend, and we’re left with an empty chair. Sometimes (mercifully rare) they’ll complain, either to us or to a professional body. In this context, measures may be one way we can help maximise the likelihood of a successful outcome and minimise the likelihood of a complaint.
Informed Consent: Recent Legal Changes, Complaints and Dilemmas – Phillip Cox
Recent legal changes intended to clarify issues around informed consent have resolved some issues, yet also created new dilemmas.
A Compassionate Approach to Coping with Toxic Work Environments and Workplace Bullying – Dr Malie Coyne
![Dr Malie Coyne](https://theprofessionalpractitioner.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Malie-Coyne-1024x546.jpg)
On Friday 25th March 2022 The Psychologists Protection Society invited Dr Malie Coyne to speak on the topic “A Compassionate Approach to Coping with Toxic Work Environments and Workplace Bullying”. As a clinical psychologist who has experience of many work organizations, Malie understands the challenges psychologists and therapists face in dealing with toxic work environments and workplace bullying, which can really shake their sense of safety and their belief in their ability to do their jobs, as well as threaten their livelihoods and lives outside work.
Minimising Complaints by Adopting Appropriate Business and Professional Practices – James Rye
Our professional bodies may have been good at training us to become therapeutic individuals, but they have generally failed to train us on how to run therapeutic businesses. The results of this are often unhappy clients and consequent complaints (as well as loss of income). The emphasis throughout the session will be on exploring how managing practical issues more effectively might reduce client dissatisfaction. The session will consider questions such as: 1) Do we need to be more flexible in our assessment? If so, how could we do that? 2) Do we need to contract? If so, what could we put in our contracts? 3) How might we avoid problems when working with clients who are not physically present? 4) What are our GDPR responsibilities and how could we best fulfil them? 5) How can we be clearer about payment? What are the best ways to avoid non-payment? 6) Do we need a professional will? If yes, what could it contain? And what are the client benefits?
Clinical Practice with Intercultural Couples – Dr Reenee Singh
![Dr Reenee Singh](https://theprofessionalpractitioner.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Clinical-Practice-with-Intercultural-Couples.jpg)
Clinical Practice with Intercultural Couples Dr Reenee Singh Event Details: On Friday 25th March 2022 The Psychologists Protection Society invited Dr Reenee Singh to speak on the topic “Clinical Practice with Intercultural Couples”. This session was part of The Psychologists Protection Society’s 2022 Annual General Meeting and was held online. Session Outline: In this presentation, Dr […]
Managing Complaints, Key Learning – Shane Buckeridge and Ewan Murray
![Shane Buckeridge Managing Complaints Video](https://theprofessionalpractitioner.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Complaints-Video-1024x573.jpg)
The Psychologist Protection Society (PPS) is the only talking therapy defence organisation run by therapists for therapists. Using over 45 years’ experience of supporting members dealing with complaints brought against them, this presentation outlined the key issues facing therapists & detailed key areas you need to consider in your developing practice.
From virtual to visceral: wonderings, wanderings and provocations of returning to face-to-face therapy – Andy Williams
![Andy Williams](https://theprofessionalpractitioner.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/AndyWilliams2021speaker-4X3.jpg)
Andy Williams is a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and Director of Training at TA Training Organisation. He is passionate about supporting therapists to become emancipated in their professional identities and to practice “in their own boots”.
Stalking and mental health professionals: an occupational hazard – Ann Moulds
![Ann Moulds Stalking Video](https://theprofessionalpractitioner.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Stalking-Video-1024x573.jpg)
Ann Moulds says her professional background is in Psychology and Clinical Behavioural Psychotherapy, training and development. In 2009 she launched her award winning campaign Action Scotland Against Stalking (ASAS) with the overall aim of having stalking recognised as a specific criminal offence within Scottish law and to give the victim an identity and a voice.