Welcome to the PPS Event Calendar

We list events which we think may be of interest to our over 6000 members. Our members study or work in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy and counselling. 

PPS has members in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

PPS members and non-members can have a basic event listing for free. PPS members can also request a free enhanced event listing.
Email Ruth – ruth@ppstrust.org with your requests.


The Psychologists Protection Society is not responsible for events listed here that are run by other organisations.

Publication of an event does not imply endorsement by The Psychologists Protection Society. Events may be subject to change and/or cancellation. If in any doubt, please contact the event organisers for confirmation.

The Psychologists Protection Society will consider all events submitted based on their relevance to the interests of our members and the interests of the Psychologists Protection Society and is not bound to publish details of any event received. 

PSS Trust is looking for new Trustees, think you’ve got what it takes?