Erotic presentations between therapist and clients – Sally Openshaw

Sally Openshaw

This webinar helped to provide attendees with a greater capacity to recognise and name the existence of different erotic presentations between therapist and clients. A 6-step model for the safe management of this material was provided and walked through together. The boundary violation circle is presented to help each of us to understand risk. A self-supervision sheet will be offered to help create expansive awareness and aide with disclosures in supervision processes. Additional resources are recommended for further studying.

Creating your Policies – Nicola Currie

Nicola Currie

One of the things that can be tricky when Setting up your Private Practice is creating the Policies that are required. In this handout, I will explore the ten policies that I think are important for your Private Practice and hopefully give you the confidence to start creating them.

Complaints: Surviving to thriving – Susie Jamieson

Susie Jamieson

This webinar helped to provide attendees with a greater capacity to recognise and name the existence of different erotic presentations between therapist and clients. A 6-step model for the safe management of this material was provided and walked through together. The boundary violation circle is presented to help each of us to understand risk. A self-supervision sheet will be offered to help create expansive awareness and aide with disclosures in supervision processes. Additional resources are recommended for further studying.

Working Within Diversity: an anti-oppressive model for therapeutic practice – Myira Khan

Myira Khan

This webinar helped to provide attendees with a greater capacity to recognise and name the existence of different erotic presentations between therapist and clients. A 6-step model for the safe management of this material was provided and walked through together. The boundary violation circle is presented to help each of us to understand risk. A self-supervision sheet will be offered to help create expansive awareness and aide with disclosures in supervision processes. Additional resources are recommended for further studying.

How will I know when I’m a good enough therapist? – Barry McInnes

Barry McInnes

This webinar helped to provide attendees with a greater capacity to recognise and name the existence of different erotic presentations between therapist and clients. A 6-step model for the safe management of this material was provided and walked through together. The boundary violation circle is presented to help each of us to understand risk. A self-supervision sheet will be offered to help create expansive awareness and aide with disclosures in supervision processes. Additional resources are recommended for further studying.

Understanding issues when working with Borderline Personalities – Martin Smith

Martin Smith

This webinar helped to provide attendees with a greater capacity to recognise and name the existence of different erotic presentations between therapist and clients. A 6-step model for the safe management of this material was provided and walked through together. The boundary violation circle is presented to help each of us to understand risk. A self-supervision sheet will be offered to help create expansive awareness and aide with disclosures in supervision processes. Additional resources are recommended for further studying.

Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue: The Cost of Caring – Patricia Allen-Garrett

On Friday 21st April 2023 The Psychologists Protection Society invited Patricia Allen-Garrett to speak on the topic “Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue – The Cost of Caring”. Patricia Allen-Garrett works as a humanistic and integrative psychotherapist in private practice and incorporates somatic and parts work into her client-work. The practitioner’s empathy and ability to witness are key aspects of not just our professional ability but also of our humanity. However, when we are repeatedly exposed to traumatic stories or seemingly intractable problems, our sense of safety in the world can change, our compassion can become eroded and we can begin to feel a range of responses such as feeling helpless, hopeless, de-skilled, exhausted, confused, etc.

Navigating Boundaries in Therapy with Separating Couples: Managing conflict over parenting – Deirdre Hayes

On Friday 21st April 2023 The Psychologists Protection Society invited Deirdre Hayes to speak on the topic “Navigating Boundaries in Therapy with Separating Couples – Managing conflict over parenting”. As a systemic psychotherapist, as well as a supervisor Deirdre has over 30 years clinical experience dealing with children and their parents/carers in the area of child and adolescent work.

This session addresses the erosion of therapy boundaries and litigation issues, in particular the challenges facing therapists being dragged into conflicting issues between hostile couples -such as parenting their child/ children, including issues which affect therapy with children.

Was it something I said? – Using measures to monitor progress and process, and ensure the client is getting what they came for.

Barry McInnes presenter

Our third CPD event in the Professional Issues Spotlight Series was presented by Barry McInnes and held in conjunction with Onlinevents. This event was held online on 15th March 2023.

Success in therapy can be elusive, and failure all too evident. When therapy isn’t working for clients, sometimes they’ll offer excuses to let us down gently. Sometimes, they’ll just not attend, and we’re left with an empty chair. Sometimes (mercifully rare) they’ll complain, either to us or to a professional body. In this context, measures may be one way we can help maximise the likelihood of a successful outcome and minimise the likelihood of a complaint.

Complaints! The role of supervision – Jo Birch

Jo Birch

“Complaints! The role of supervision” is the second CPD event in our Professional Issues Spotlight Series held in conjunction with Onlinevents. This event was held on 21st September 2022. Jo Birch explores the role of supervision and reflective practice in better equipping ourselves to manage any situation in which a person (or people) experiences a discord between what they expected and what they received from our services.