Erotic presentations between therapist and clients
Sally Openshaw
Event Details
The Psychologists Protection Society Trust welcomed Sally Openshaw as our first speaker in our series of Virtual Seminars to celebrate the Psychologists Protection Society Trusts 50th Birthday on Saturday 5th October 2024.
Session Outline
This webinar helped to provide attendees with a greater capacity to recognise and name the existence of different erotic presentations between therapist and clients. A 6-step model for the safe management of this material was provided and walked through together. The boundary violation circle is presented to help each of us to understand risk. A self-supervision sheet will be offered to help create expansive awareness and aide with disclosures in supervision processes. Additional resources are recommended for further studying.
Speaker Information
Sally Openshaw is a Psychosexual Therapist working in private practice in The Forest of Dean, UK. She works using an integrative, developmentally focussed, relational approach. She specialises working with sexual trauma, compulsive sexual behaviours and working with couples. Her interest in working safely with erotic transference and counter-transference has developed over the last 10 years and she has taught this subject to many groups online, and face-to-face in the UK and internationally. She has an active role as the current President of the International Association of Integrative Psychotherapist. Outside work, she restores herself by being in nature, growing vegetables and having adventures with her grandchildren.
Speakers Notes
Sally Openshaw has kindly provided notes for her presentation. Please CLICK HERE to download her presentation and here to download the Self Supervision notes.
CPD Certificate
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